W+H Herald W+H Main Yards Herald

Railroad Nicknames

This is a collection railroad nicknames, both flattering and not to the namesake line. If you know of more please send them to me so that I can add them, but G-rated one only. Formal corporate slogans are separate at the Railroad Slogan List page.

Compiled by Christopher D. Coleman
Tips for mailing me

This list was last updated 3/1/02

ACELAAMTRAK Customers Expect Late Arrivals
Lancaster, Oxford and SouthernLittle, Old and Slow
Akron Canton and YoungstownThe Pumpkin Vine
Algoma CentralAgony Central
Alamony Central
Algoma Central and Hudson's BayAll Curves Hills and Bumps
All curves and High Bumps
American Locmotive Company (ALCO)Always Leaking Coolant & Oil
Animal Krackers
Ann ArborAn "A"
All Along
Atchison, Topeka and Santa FeAfter Tonnage, Safety First
All Tonnage and Slow Freight
All Tramps & Son of a guns Free
All Tramps and Soldiers Free
All Tramps Sent Free
Annoying, Tempermental and Stupid Fans
Ashcan, Toiletbowl & Sani-Flush
Ate Tamales and Spat Fire
Ate Tamales and Spit Fire
Sani Flush
Santa Flush
Suffering Fools
Uncle John
Flashing Rear End Device (a train component)Freaking Rear End Device
Atchison, Topeka and Santa FeScuzzy Fe
Atlantic Coast LineAlways Cries Loudly
Another Crushed Load
Always Comes Late
BPS&DBig Pieces of Steam and Dieselized
Broken Pieces Strewn and Dropped
BWT&SBobble, Wobble, Turnover and Stop
Baltimore Chesapeake and AtlanticBlack Cinders and Ashes
Baltimore and OhioBackward and Obsolete
Bad Order
Bankrupt and Overdrawn
Beans and Oats
Beans and Onions
Beefstake and Onions
Beefsteak and Onions
Best and Only
Bumpy and Obsolete
The Bum's Own
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)Bay Area Reckless Transit
Barely Automated Rancid Transit
Beaver, Mead and EnglewoodButter, Milk and Eggs
Bellaire, Zanesville and CincinnatiBent, Zigzag and Crooked
Birmingham and South EasternThe Bump and Slide Easily
Black Mesa and Lake PowellBig Mess and Lots of Problems
Boston and MaineBankrupt and Moribund
Banks and Money
Bashed & Maimed
Beguiled and Misribule
Blind and Misguided
Broken and Maimed
Broken and missing
Busted & Maimed
Busted & Mined
Busted and Mangled
Bridgton and Saco RiverBusted and Still Running
Buffalo SouthernBuffalo's Sorry Old Railroad
Buffalo Union CarolinaBusted Until Christmas
Buffalo, Rochester and PittsburghBumpy, Rocky, and Peculiar
Bums, Robbers and Pickpockets
Burlington NorthernBad News
Bankrupt Northern
Better than Nothing
Big Noodle
Big Northern
Big Nothing
Booze & Narcotics
Burlington Nothing
Bought Nothing
Bound Nowhere
Frisco Northern
Burlington Northern Santa FeBad News Santa Fe
Been Nothing So Far
Been Nuthin' Since Frisco!
Believe Nothing Shoot First
Been Nowhere Since Friday
Been Nowhere Since February
Better Not Ship Freight
Better Not Slip or Fall
Big Nasty Stinky Fart
Big New Santa Fe
Big New Super Frisco
Big Nasty Slow Freight
Bigger Name Same Fine Railroad
Bob's New Santa Fe
Bought New Santa Fe
Brand New Santa Fe
BuN SnifF
Buns with Nothing, Salt and Fat
Burlington Northern Southern Franchise
But No Santa Fe
Buy Norfolk Southern Fast
Buy Norfolk Southern First
Buy Norfolk Southern and get Fat
Buy Now Sell Fast
Buy Now, Sell Forever
Bye Now Santa Fe
CSXCan't Stop Xeroxing
Carrying Several Xylophones
Charred Sizzled and X-Rayed
Chemical Spill eXperts
Chessie Still eXperimenting
Color Scheme Excitement
Conrail Screwed Xtremely
Conrail's Southern eXtension
Consensual SeX
Crashed, Smashed & eXploded
Creepin' Slow Xpress
Cut Scrap and here's the scissors to do it with
Cut and Scrap Xperts
CalTrain (SF-SH commuter)CowTrain
Canadian National RailroadCan Not Rush
Certainly No Rush
Chicken Noodle
Cost Nothing
Crash National
Currently Negotiating
Candaian PacificCalgary Pacific
Canadian Pathetic
Canuk Pacific
Cheapee Ragamuffins or rail
Cheapy Rail
Chinese Pacific
Crazy Polak Railway
Sleepy R
Sleepy Rail
Candaian Pacific Rail SystemCrappy Pathetic Rail System
Crazy People Run this System
Carolina and NorthwesternCan't and Never Will
Cedar Rapids and Iowa CityThe Vomit Comet
Central Oregon and PacificClowns on Railroad Property
Chatham, Wallaceburg, and Lake ErieCome Walking and Leave Early
Chesapeake and OhioCheapskate and Ohio
Cheapskate and Oreo
Controlling and Overpowering
Broken dishes
Chesapeake and WesternCrooked and Weedy
Chicago Great WesternCan Grow Weeds
Can't Get Worse
Can't Go West
Chicago Great Weedy
Chicago and Great Weaties
Cinders Grass and Weeds
The Great Wheaty
Chicago Great Nothing
Chicago Transit AuthorityCatastrophies, Tragedies, Accidents
Chicago's Taken Again
Chicago and Illinios MidlandCheap and Ill Managed
Chicago and North WesternCan Not Win
Can't And Never Will Run Right
Cardboard and No Wheels
Cardboard and No Wheels
Carrier to No Where
Chaos and Nothing Works
Cheap and No Wages
Cheap and Nothing Wasted
Cheap and Nothing Wasted
Chicago and NoWhere
Chicago and Norweigens
Coal and No Water
Corroded Nuts Washers
Employee Stoned
Chicago, Bluffton and CincinnatiCorned Beef and Cabbage
Chicago, Burlington and QuincyCheap, Broken and Quarantined
Cheapest, Best and Quickest
Clearly Busted and Quiet
Crummy, Bumpy and Quick
Charlie Burlington
Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville (Monon)Crazy Idiots and Lunatics
Chicago, Kalamazoo and SaginawCus Kick and Swear
Chicago, Milwaukee, Saint Paul and PacificC'Mon Stop Praying and Push
Cheapest, Meanest and Slowest to Pay
Christ, Mary, St.Paul and Peter
Crushed, Mauled, STampeded, Pushed and Pulled
Chicago, Rock Island and PacificBaby Railroad
Come Right In & Pee
Conductors Rob Innocent Passengers
Corroded, Rusty, Indigent and Pathetic
Crip or Crippy
Pet Rock
Rockin Eye
Rotten Island
Rusty Iron
The Cry 'n' Pee
The Rot
Wreck Island
Chicago, South Shore and South BendSouth Snore
The Vomit Comet
Cincinnati, Hamilton and DaytonCharges High and Damn Rough Riding
Cheap Help and Damned Poor Management
Cold, Hungry and Dirty
Crashed, Hungry, and Decomposing
Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas PacificConnections No Object, Tickets Please
Cincinnati, Portsmouth and VirginiaCoats, Pants and Vest
Clinchfield RRCan't Run Railroad
Cantankerous Rotten Rumguts
Coeur d'Alene Railway and Navigation CoChippy Line
Colorado and SouthernCough and Snort
Crooked and Slow
Colorado and WyomingCarpenter and Walrus
Columbus and Greenville
Columbia Newberry and Laurens RailroadCrooked, Noisy, and Late
Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail)Big Blue
Can't Run
Con Job
Congresssional Rip-off
Corn Rail
Crappy Rap
Criminal Rail
Currently Retired
The Constipated Railroad Company
The Coolest Railroad
Clinton Rail
Corn Rail
Crystal River and San JuanCan't Run and Seldom Jumps
Dakota Minnesota and EasternDerails Most Everytime
Desolate, Miserly, and Emancipated
Dilapidated, Mutilated and Explode
Dog Meat Express
Dumb Management Everyday
Dakota Southern RailwayDarn Slow Railroad
Davenport Rock Island and Northwestern RailwayDig Right In and Never Weaken
Dri Line
Dayton, Greenville and Union CityThe Dinky
Delaware and HudsonDelay and Hesitate
Delayed and Hungry
Desparate and Hungry
Dying and Hemhoraging
Deleware, Lackawanna and WesternDelay Linger and Wait
Desperately Lacking Wampum
Destitute, Lacksadasical and Weary
Lack - O - Money
Delayed, Late and Waiting
The Delay, Linger and Wait Railwait Company
Denver and Rio Grande WesternDangerous and Rapidly Getting Worse
Dirty Ragged and Greasy
Dirty and Ragged and Greasy
Dirty and Rapidly Getting Worst
Real Grimy
Real Grungy
The Grand
Detroit and MackinawDefeated and Mal-treated
Defeated and Mistreated
Detroit, Toledo and IrontonDarn Tired and Independent
Dirty I
Deutsche BahnDiggin Buggers
Dominion Atlantic RailwayDust and Rust
Dubuque and DakotaDamned Doubtful
Duluth, Missabe and Iron RangeDamn Miserable and IrRate
Duluth, Misanthropic and Iron Range
Doing More Income Reduced
Duluth, South Shore and AtlanticDamn Slow Service and Abuse
Damned Small Salaries and Abuse
Dead Slow Service and Agony
Dirt, Soot, Smoke, and Ashes
Duluth, Winnepeg, and PacificDrink Whiskey and Piddle
Drink Whiskey and Puke
Delivered With Pride
Dealing Weed and Pot
East Broad TopEat Beans and Toot
East Tennessee and Western Carolina RailroadEat 'Taters and Wear No Clothes
Eat Taters and What Nice Clothes
Exquisite Trains and What Nice Conductors
East Tennessee, Virginia and GeorgiaEat Turnips, Vinegar and Greens
Edmonton Dunvegan and British ColumbiaEver Dangerous and Badly Constructed
Electro-Motive Division (GM)Easily Maintained Diesels
Every Model Different
Elgin Joliet and EasternEasy Jobs for Everyone
Egypt, Jerusalem and Elsewhere
Weary Erie
Erie LackawannaEastern Laxative
Erie Lackatraffic
Erie Lackawampum
Ever Late
Leery Erie
Weary Lack-a-money
Florida East CoastFecie
For Elderly Citizens
Fort Smith and WesternFootsore and Weary
Fort Worth and Denver City RRFence Wire and Dirt
Flat Wheels & Dirty Coaches
Fox River Valley RRThe Fever
Frankfort and KokomoThe Rabbit Track Line
Findlay, Fort Wayne and WesternThe Tangent Line
Frankfort and KokomoThe Rabbit Track Line (crooked)
GateWay Western RailroadGreat Wobbily Wobbily
General Electric (Transporation Division)Generally Elegant
Generous Electric (sarcastically)
Genesee and WyomingGee Whiz
Georgia Southern and FloridaGo Slow and Flag
Georgia Coastal and Piedmont RailroadGet a Coon and Push
Georgia and FloridaGod Forgot
God Fosaken
Georgia, Florida and AlabamaGophers, Frogs and Alligators
Grand CanyonGland Canyon
Grand TrunkGone Too
Grand Funk
Grand Junk
Grand Trunk PacificGet There Perhaps
Grand Trunk WesternGrand Junk
Great NorthernGoes Nowhere
Going Nowhere
Great Nothing
Great Western RailwayGas Works Railway
Gee Whiz
Go When Ready
God's Wonderful Railway
Gone With Regret
Goods Wagon
Great Way Round
Green Bay and WesternGo Broke and Worthless
Grab Your Bags and Walk
Great Bannk and Wachington
Good Beer and Whiskey
Guilford Rail SystemGreedy Rail Scrappers
Gulf Colorado and Santa FeGone Completely
Gritty Cinders and Smokey Fire
Gulf, Mobile and OhioGrease, Mud and Oil
Garlic, Mustard and Onions
Girls, Men and Oldtimers
Goes More Often (relative to the ICG)
Goat's Milk and Onions
Gulf, Texas and WesternGet a Ticket and Wait
Get a Ticket and Walk
Hampton and BranchvilleHumped and Boggy
High Point Thomasville and Denton RailroadHigh Priced Ticket and Damn Rough Ride
Hoosac Tunnel and WilmingtonHalibut Tuna and Whale
Hog Tied and Weary
Hoot Toot and Whistle
Hot Tea and Whiskey
Houston and Texas CentralHell On Texas Contractors (nonpayment to builders)
Hoboes and Tin Cans
Hen and Ten Chicks
Houston, East and West TexasHell Either Way You Take it
Huntingdon and Broad TopHumpity Bump Thump
I&M RailLinkMissing Link
Rinky-Dink Link
Illinois Central GulfI Can't Go
Illinois Central RailroadI Can't Run Railroads
Ignorant Corporation
Ill Cent
Idiotic Chaos
Idiotic Chaos Runs Rampant
Indiana and OhioIncomplete and Overextended
I&M Rail LinkIndignant Management Real Louses
I Might Receive a Living
I M Really Lost
IMagine Real Loads
IMagine R Loads
IMpeded by River Level
IM Ready to Liquidate
Interesting Milwaukee Rock Link
IM Receiving Little
Indiana, Bloomington and WesternI Better Walk
International Great NorthernIrishmen Going North
Jacksonville Beach and PabloJump Boys and Push
Jamestown, Westfield and NorthwesternJesus Wept and No Wonder
Japanesse RR Co.Junk Rail
Jeffersonville, Madison and IndianapolisJerusalem, Mexico and Ireland
Kansas City SouthernHaywire
Keep Cutting Staff
Kome C Small
Kansas City, Clinton and SpringfieldThe Leaky Roof Line
Keokuk Junction RailwayKlunk and Junk
Kingston and PembrokeKick and Push
L,O&SLittle, Old and Slow
LMSLose 'em, mix 'em and smash 'em
Lake Erie and NorthernLate Every Night
Lake Erie and WesternLeave 'er and Walk
Leave Early and Walk
Lake Shore and Michigan SouthernLarge Stations and Miserable Salaries
Less Sleep and More Speed
The Ramshorn (windy roadbed)
Lake Superior and IshpemingLazy, Slow and Independent
Leavenworth, Kansas and WesternLazy, Crooked, and Wandering
Leave Kansas and Walk
Look, Kuss and Wait
Lehigh ValleyLeaky Valley
Like Vomit
Little Value
Lost Venture
The Route of the Leaky Valley
Lehigh and Hudson RiverLate and Hungry
Lean and Hungry
Live Oak, Perry and GulfLean Over, Push and Grunt
Logansport, Crawfordsville and SouthwesternLong Crooked and Shortwinded
London and North Eastern RailwayLate and Never Early
London and Port Stanley'ell of a mess
Late and Poor Service
Lean Push and Shove
Liver and Pork Sausage
Lost and Presumed Sunken
Long Island RRDashing Dan
Least Intelligent Railroad
Long Island Snail Road
Wrong Island
Louisville and NashvilleEllen N.
Late and Never
Long and Narrow
Long and Nasty
Loose Nuts
Loud and Noisy
Louseyville and Nastyville
Lousy and No good
MARCMediocre and Rarely Consistent
MD&SMight Damn Slow
METRAMany Evening Trains Running Around
Macon, Dublin and SavannahMud, Dirt and Sand
Maine CentralMean Central
Manchester, Dorset and GranvilleMud, Dirt and Gravel
Manchester, Sheffield and LincolnshireMoney sunk and lost
Mucky Slow and Lazy
Marshall and East Texas RRMisery and Eternal Torment
Maryland and DelawareMuddy and Dirty
Maryland and PennsylvaniaMa and Pa
Misery and Pain
Maryland, Delaware and Virginia RailroadMany Dirty Visits
Mass CentralMore Crap
Metro NorthMore Nothing
Metropolitan Transportation AuthorityMoney Thrown Away
More Trouble Ahead
Middletown and HummelstownMuddletown
Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light CompanyTom Moore Eats Rats and Likes Corn
Minneapolis and Saint LoiusMaimed and Still Limping
Midnight and Still later
Miserable and Still Limping
Misery and Short Life
Movin' and Still Loosin'
The Louie
Mississippi River and Bonne TerreMighty Rough and Bone Tired
Missing Rails and Broken Ties
Muddy Rails and Broken Track
Missouri PacificMiserable Pacific
Miserly and Parsimonious
Misery Pacific
Morons Prevail
Missouri and IllinoisMike and Ike
Missouri and North ArkansasMay Never Arrive
Missouri-Kansas-TexasMany Killed and Totched
Penn Central - Western Division
Muddy Kinky Track
Missouri and North ArkansasMay Never Arrive
Mobile and OhioMilk and Onion
Montana Rail LinkMake a Right/Left??!!
Merl (Haggard)
Milwaukee Road Lives
Monkeys Running Loose
Montour RailroadMighty M
Montreal and Southern CountiesMontreal and Sometimes Comes
Montrial Sauteux (Montreal Jumpy or Bouncy)
Morris and Essex DivisionMethodist and Episcopal (no Sunday operations)
Morristown and ErieBen Central
Ben Central (owner Ben Friedland)
Me and Ernie
Morristown and Everywhere
Nashville and EasternNever Ever Runs Right
Nebkota RailwayNot Really Interested
Nevada County Narrow Gauge RRNever Come Never Go
None Colorado Narrow Gauge
Nevada, California and OregonNarrow, Crooked and Ornery
New England CentralNever Ending Commotion
New Hope and Ivyland Railroad Co.No Hope and Ivy league
No Hope and Poison Ivyland
New Jersey TranistJersey Rancid
Jersey Trainset
Jersey Transient
Need Janitors Touch
No Junky Trains
Not Just Trains
New Jerky Transit
New Jersey, Indiana and IllinoisNew Jerusalem Israel and Ireland
New Orleans and NortheasternNo Omelets, No Eggs
New York CentralNo You Can't
Not Yet, Cornelius!
New York City Subway BMTBuglers, Murders and Thugs
New York Ontario and WesternNow Young, Out and Working
Old Woman
Old and Weary
Owen W.
New York Susquehana and WesternNow You Sit and Wait
Now You Suffer & Wait
New York and Atlantic RailwayNew York Amateur Railroad
Not Yet A Railroad
Now You're A Railroad
New York and Lake ErieNever Yet Left Early
New York, Chicago and Saint Louis (Nickle Plate)Nearly Kompletely Perfect
No Known Prototype
New York, New Haven and HartfordNew Years, No Home and Hungry
Not Yet No How and Hopeless
Not Yet, No Help, and Helpless
Not Yet, No Hope, and Hopeless
New Year, No Hope and Hungry
New York, Ontario and WesternNo Young Overweight Women
Not Yet Old and Weary
Now Young Out and Working
Old And Weary
Owen W.
The Old Woman
New York, Susquehanna and WesternNew York, Susquehanna and Western
The Squeak
Newburgh, Dutchess and ConnecticutNever Did and Couldn't
Newfoundland RailwayGoofie Newfie Narrow Gauge
Newfie Bullet
Nittany and Bald EagleNever Been Early
Norfolk SouthernNazi Squad
New Southern
Next Sucker
Nidon't careS
Nix Steam
No Service
No Show
No Steam
No (paint) Scheme
Noone's Safe
Not Sanitary
Not Smart
Nothing Soon
Norfolk and WesternNarrow and Wobbly
Needless and Worthless
Never Works
Nickel Plate and Wabash
Nights and Weekends
Norfolken Way
Nothing and Worse
Northern Alberta RailwayNever Any Rush
Northern PacificNo Ports
Northern Ports
Northern Potatoes
Not Political
Nothing Personal
Nothing Specific
Northwestern PacificNever Without Public Regard
Never was prompt
No Where in Particular
OR&WOld Rusty (or Rickety) and Wobbly
Ogdensburg and Lake ChamplainOld and Late Coming
Omaha Lincoln and BeatriceOver Lincoln and Back
Oxford Worcester and Wolverhampton RailwayOld Worse and Worse
Pacific Great EasternPretty Girls Express
Pretty Good Effort
Past God's Endurance
Please Go Easy
Pretty Goddamn Expensive
Prince George Egads
Prince George, Eventually
Province's Greatest Expense
Provincial Government Expense
Paris and Mount PleasantPa and Ma
Patapsco and Back River RairaodThe Push, Bang and wReck RR
Penn-CentralParked Cars
Pathetic Connection
Penniless Central
Penn Centless
Perfect Chaos
Political Charade
permenatly currupt
pile [of] crap
Pennsylvania RailroadPoor Ragged Rascal
Pussie Rail Road
The Big Red Subway
The Substandard Railroad of the World
Pennsylvania, Poughkeepsie and BostonPickles, Pork and Beans
Pere MarquettePoor Marquette
Philadelphia, Bethlehem and New EnglandPoor Brakemen and No Engineers
Piedmont and NorthernPo and Needy
Pierre, Rapid City and NorthwesternPlenty Rough Country and No Water
Pittsburgh and Lake EriePissed off and Left Early
The Pianelli
Pittsburgh and West VirginiaThe High and Dry
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and ChicagoPigs' Feet Whiskey and Cigars
Pittsburgh, Rochester and BuffaloPickpockets Robbers and Bums
Pittsburgh, Shenango and Lake EriePays Slow and Lives Easy
Port Arthur, Duluth and WesternPoor and Delinquet Wages
Poverty Agony Despair and Wretchedness
Providence and WorcesterPathetic and Wobbly
Quanah, Acme and PacificQuit Arguing and Push
Quebec Railway, Light, Heat and PowerChemin de fer do la Bonne Sainte-Anne
Regional Transportation District (Denver)Reason To Drive
Retarded Transit Drivers
Richmond Fredericksburg and PotomacRich Folks and Pedigrees
Run Fast and Push
The Doggie Railroad
Rich Folks and Preachers
Rockaway Valley RailroadRock-a-bye Baby
Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg RRRotten Wood and Old Rusty Rails
S&DSerene and Delightful
Slow and Dirty
South East Pennsylvania Transit Authority (SEPTA)Regional Half Speed Rail
Society for the Elimination of Passenger Trains Altogether
Steal Every Penny Thats Available
Steal Every Penny Till Arested
Subject Every Passenger To Aggravation
Systemattically Eleminitating Public Transportation Altoghether
SOO LineSlow Old Obsolete
Sometimes Only Ordinary
Special Olympics Operation
ZOO Line
Saint Lawerence and HudsonStraight Line to Hell
Stupid Little Henry
San Diego and ArizonaSlow, Dirty, and Aggravating
Sandy River and Rangeley LakesSlow Running and Rather Late
Savanah and AtlantaSlow and Aggravating
Seaboard Air LineSurely Always Late
Seaboard Coast LineService Customers Lack
Seaboard SystemSlow Board System
Slowly Breaking Down
Somerset and Dorset Joint RailwaySerene and Delightful
SooSewer Line
Silly Old Ordinary RR
South East and Chatham RailwaySlow Easy and Comfortable
Southeast Pennsylvania Transit AuthoritySociety for Eliminating Passenger Trains in America
Society for Eliminating Public Transit Altogether
Southern PacificEspee
Slow Poke
Smelly Perch
Soot Princess
Sorry and Pathetic
Southern Pathetic
Spare Parts
Stand Proud
Stupid Police
Stupid Pussies
Sufferin' Pathetic
Suffering Pacific
Suffering Painfully
Super Prick
Supreem Procrastinator
Surrendered Peacefully
The Octopus
Southern Pacific Santa Fe (stilborn merger)Shouldn't Paint So Fast
Southern RailroadShake Rattle and Roll
Southern RailwayShake Rattle and Roll
Spokane, Portland and SeattleSlow, Pokey and Seldom
Spit, Pop and Sputter
Slow, Poor and Stingy
St. Johnsbury and Lake ChamplainSt Jesus & Late Comin'
St. Johnsbury and Lamoille CountySaint Jesus and Late Coming
St. Jesus and Late Coming
St. Lawrence and HudsonSlowly Losing Hope
St. Louis, Brownsville and MexicoBrownie
Stanley, Merrill and PhillipsSlow Motion and Poverty
Staten Island Rapid TransitThe SIRT
The Toonerville Trolly
Shall I Run Today?
Stockton Terminal and EasternSlow, Tired and Easy
Sumpter Valley RailwayPolygamy Central
Stump Dodger
Sydney and Louisburg RailwaySlow and Lazy
Tallulah Falls RailwayTotal Failure
Temiskaming and Northern OntarioTime No Object
Terre Haute and PeoriaTake Hold and Push
Texas and PacificTime and Patience
Texas Northeastern RailroadTrains Never Ever Run
Texas MidlandTexas Mudland (lack of ballast)
Texas, Pacific and WesternTake Your Parcels and Walk
Toledo, Peoria and WesternTake Pity and Walk
The Tip-up
Tip Up
Tired Poor and Weary
Toilet Paper and Western
Tired, Poor and Weary
Tried, Proven and Willing
Toronto, Hamilton and BuffaloThump, Hump and Bump
To Hell and Back
Tramps Hobos and Bums
Twin Mountain and PotomacTwo Mules and a Pony
Ulster and DelawareUp and Down
Useless and Dangerous
Union PacificEwe Pee
The Yellow Borg
Onion Pacific
Ugly Pathetic
Ugly Power
Ulitmate Privy
Un Painted
Un Professional
Unable to Perform
Uncle Pete
Uncompromomising Pricks
Undelivered Perishables
Undelivered Phreight
Under Powered
Under Prepaired for SP
Under Pressure
Unemployment Pending
Unimaginatve Paint
Union Pathetic
Unlimited Parking
Unlimited Power
Unlimited Purchasing
Unrecognizable Performance
Unstopable Power
Uppity Pacific
Uppity Pee
Usually Parked
Usually Prostrate
Utterly Pathetic
Utterly Putrid
You can't spell stUPid without UP
yoU Pee
Union Pacific - (slogan: We Can Handle It)We _Can't_ Handle It
We Can Mangle It
We Can't Manage It
Union PacificThe Borg
VIA RailVIA Snail
Wabash, Chester and WesternWobble, Crooked and Wobble
Wait Charlie and Walk
Waco, Beaumont, Trinity and SabineWobbly, Bobbly, Turnover and Stop
Washington and WaynesburgWeak and Weary
Washington and Old Dominion RailroadVirginia Creeper
Weatherford Mineral Wells and NorthwesternWatermelons, Mineral Water and Nowhere
Whiskey, Mineral Water and Nowhere
West Virginia Central and PittsburghWatch Very Carefully and Proceed
Western MarylandWild Mary
Western PacificThe Wobbly
Wasted Property
Wayside Property
Wear Protection
Weed Producers
Wobbly Pacific
Wobbly Pathetic
Worn-out Paint
Wheeling and Lake ErieWalk and Leave Early
We Lie to Everybody
White Pass & Yukon RouteWait Patiently and You'll Ride
Wiscasset Waterville and FarmingtonWeak, Weary, and Feeble
Wisconsin CentralWe Could Wreck
We're Cheap
Whiskey Central
Wood Chip Line
Wrecking Crew
Wisconsin and CalumetWicket
Wisconsin and SouthernWizzer
Wobbly Slow Old and Rusty
Wrightsville and TennilleWiggle and Twist
Yazoo DeltaYellow Dog
Zittau-Oybin-Jonsdorfer-Eisenbahn (Germany)Zug Ohne jegliche Eile (train without any hurry)

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